Old Entry

The conversations
the beauty of
looking at you
and hearing you
sipping eating
listen laugh
traffic horns
music and news
cooking and advice
our specific hold me hugs
okay silence no worries
your vision of me across the table
cup of coffee

In your hand
oh how the meetings were
are treasures still
dont think I did not know
because we were fully in it ladies
lattes and friendship
romance woes
clothing styles questions'
work troubles or accomplishments
every chat our banter about the band
what is happening with who
national news
across the table
oh mom tell me now
I am picking you up
in Albuquerque
we are finding a church with good music
sandwiches and soup
beads and bracelets nearby

Your love is my magic clock
I can do this
I am doing this
I help others
every act of service
Next phase
let me talk to you and keep your encouragement close to my heart

our visit now is happening
this weekend


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