Special Gift Inside
ocean waves,
I can't get up early to watch the sun rise.
I accept not living across the street from water.
I take the F an hour and a half to Coney Island.
Can't afford to rent a car to visit Point Pleasant or Lavalette.
Chris never chooses the Coney Island commute, will complain, won't do it.
I am open to the wasted space, ready to find more,
willing to be stranded for a while near the water.
How to use energy
How to be in this time
hello me, hello mom, there, where?, here.
The physical music of your voice is gone.
I am in a vacant lot some nights with no car
no buildings, no sounds of birds.
Nature, I stop, here.
The nectar is your poetry, lettters, emails, cards, clothing, jewelry
Bumblebees and butterflies flit near flowers
I am our creation the embodiment of love continues.
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