Morning Meditation in Tillson, NY
Drawn to the sound of rain,
the soft sweet call to relax,
rest in myself,
reach down and be.
Water is calm
wet wonder.
Birds mix their melodies.
Their songs move me to smile,
relish more self-love.
Their songs encourage me
to be still, go inside
my internal dance.
My mom was motivated on mornings
by the sound of birds singing
by the sound of birds singing
outside her window
at homes in New Mexico
at homes in New Mexico
and New Jersey.
The birds help me to fly while
I sit still and listen.
The rain
showers me.
I'm dry but cleansed.
Green through back porch
Coolness among tree limbs
Bushels of pink and orange marigolds
They are my Dream Story Boxes.
Surrounded by
Comfort in
Rocking chairs
on Rugs
Through screen doors
Inside and outside
At the same time
What makes this world different
Than the Block Lodge
or Red Room?
Fire Walk With Me
Oh trees, I love you
Fresh air fills me up.
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